Group shot of Wings after the show
Me and zul travel all the way to Penang hunting the first Guitar Hero in my list and he was none other than Joe from the legendary band 'Wings' back in 1987. I got the privilege to be backstage and setup a simple lighting for the shoot thanks to Ijan of Sayap-sayap Wings for making it worthwhile.
The shoot went well. I was backstage and shouted "hey joe, come and sit over here! I wanna shoot your head!" and he said "Yea! Ok!" After couple of shot we shake hand 'rocker' style and they went on to perform. After the show me and Belanda arrange a group shot of them before we all went to Kapitan Restaurant before we head back and I was sooo cool.
It's partially true... actually it went like this.
It's partially true... actually it went like this.
The shoot went well but I must admit that I failed to make the subject comfortable with a laid back conversation. I was fucking nervous man! A rookie shooting big names. But they were cool with it and that helps. I was getting ready with the setup and they were on the other room when I noticed Joe getting ready for the show. After a while I approached him, intro myself and invite him for a short sitting. He was kinda reluctant that makes me more nervous but I got the shot.

After a while he got self-conscious and strike this one...
"Provocative pose from chief of Naga Keramat" he joked about the roumors of him getting involved in a mob.

After the show me and zul went back to our hostel we checked in earlier near Kapitan restaurant to eat. And there again they came at the restaurant. They seems like they can't get enough of us!