I haven't snap much photos for a few weeks and there's nothing much worth to put up here. So I'm going to exhibit a collections of paintings that I've done in the past years.
Acrylic on canvas

I copied her portrait on a newspaper. It was an interview about an issue of botox and claims that she only use a traditional methods thought by her late mother, the legendary Siput Sarawak.
BeeGees Impersonator Nite
@ PJ Hilton
Pelaka on Styrofoam

Back in 2001 I was doing part-time at PJ Hilton and the proudest work I've done so far is this gigantic backdrop that took a week to finish. The brave guy on the ladder is me installing pieces by pieces for a one night use disposable backdrop.
Commissioned Portrait
Graphite(Pencil)on paper

A friend of a friend of mine ask to do her portrait, so I did.
Macam-macam hal...
Mixed Media

Song for friends. This piece won an Honourable Mention for the last Philip Morris Art Award in Malaysia in 2003. Too bad the competition didn't continue in Malaysia so I can reclaim the money I've spent on his product.
Logging for Teh Tarik
Acrylic on canvas
around 3ftx5ft

Environmental themed painting, this was also for competition organized by Global Environmental Centre (GEC) called Art+Earth Young Artist Award and also won Honourable Prize (4th place I think). Luckily I'm still young.
Malfunctioned Concern
around same size above
Acrylic on canvas

A sequel to the 'teh tarik' is also about logging issue but on different context. The title may sound a bit dramatic but the message is quite simple. A careless development plan.
Oil Are Made Of These
around same size above
Mixed Media

I always, and I'm sure most of the people are very concern about the invasion and casualties especially kids in the Middle East. Some people just can't get the fact that differences area made to create harmony.
Shower Your Love On Me
Acrylic and charcoal on canvas

Made after a visit to one of the quondam battleground, Vietnam also invaded by the same 'hero'. The hero claim to have won the war after they sprayed radioactive 'agent orange' and scram. It leaves the effect generation by generation.